Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Porch Hood Ornament

I wasn't sure what to make of this and would like to see it lit up, but not sure I could find it again.  I know I found myself going the wrong way on a one way street and turned around and somehow ended up on this street.  It is fitting for the Art District.


Stefan Jansson said...

If it was in my neighbourhood this ould stand out a bit, and some people (me included), would think that this was a bit too much!

Sharon said...

A very unusual display on a house. It makes me think of the people down the street from me who kept the replica of the statue of liberty in their front yard. The house sold last year and the statue is now gone much to the delight of the neighbors.

Randy said...

I wonder what the story is behind that idea!

Jack said...

I think it looks great. KC already has hanging pots of flowers? Great. I thought it would be too cold for them.

cieldequimper said...

Now that is even more unexpected! It's fun though!